Small Tipper Referenda 500 - 599

TitlePolkadot SDK PR #3453
 nomination-pools: add permissionless condition to chill
ProponentParity Tip Bot
Amount80 DOT
Vote🟢 Aye @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsParity Tip Bot proposals are initiated by the Polkadot SDK core development team as a result of approved contributions to the Polkadot SDK codebase. Initiation of this tip happened here.

TitleRetroactive Small Tips for Content (February)
Amount0.00000002 DOT
❗ Original request is 200 DOT, proponent entered 200 planck
Vote🔴 Nay @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsHello @Pitcoin,

I went through your content, and while reading I started thinking that the articles were lacking structure. Each article felt like being exposed to flashes of sentences and memey images rather than a well-structured article that streams information. Also, there are too many images in your articles. But then I noticed that the articles are actually just your X threads copied and pasted one after another.

Which brings me to, you state that you are asking for funds for 14 pieces of content, but in reality this is only 7 pieces of content, duplicated on X and Polkaverse.

Amount asked is not a lot, and I find effort valuable. but I don’t find it integral that you’re inflating your content count. Nay from me.

PS#1 If it was not about the integrity of the proposal, I would still think twice before granting ~250USD (200DOT * 9USD / 7) per each of your content.

PS#2 I find your efforts valuable, but you should work more on your content. There should be more to it than flashing tweets in a thread.

kukabi | Helikon


TitlePolkadot SDK PR #3471
 removed pallet::getter usage from cumulus pallets
ProponentParity Tip Bot
Amount20 DOT
Vote🟢 Aye @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsParity Tip Bot proposals are initiated by the Polkadot SDK core development team as a result of approved contributions to the Polkadot SDK codebase. Initiation of this tip happened here.

TitlePolkadot SDK PR #3371
 removed pallet::getter usage from example pallets
ProponentParity Tip Bot
Amount20 DOT
Vote🟢 Aye @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsParity Tip Bot proposals are initiated by the Polkadot SDK core development team as a result of approved contributions to the Polkadot SDK codebase. Initiation of this tip happened here.

TitlePolkadot SDK PR #3456
 removed pallet::getter usage from example pallet-collective
ProponentParity Tip Bot
Amount20 DOT
Vote🟢 Aye @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsParity Tip Bot proposals are initiated by the Polkadot SDK core development team as a result of approved contributions to the Polkadot SDK codebase. Initiation of this tip happened here.
Last change: 2024-03-16, commit: 3bd1776