Big Spender Referenda 500 - 549

TitlePolkadot Community Workspace NYC by Transistor
Amount310’930 DOT
Vote🔴 Nay @ 6.01M DOT
CommentsHello Transistor,

Thanks for the proposal. I’m rejecting it for a single reason: the duration of the funding. Funding should be initially for single-year only. I understand that you have to make a 3-year lease, and the 3-year lease you found is an advantageous one in the area, but I reject the idea that the treasury should take the risk of all these 3 years on behalf of you guys.

What I would support? Treasury funds you for a year (plus the security deposit, possibly), you present your work to the community at the end of the year, and the community funds you for an additional year if your work so far justifies the investment. If you’re too successful, why not fund you for an additional 2 years? This way, should you fail to deliver at the end of the first year, the treasury has lost the investment for the first year, and you’re left with 2 more years of the lease on your lap. This is the right way to incentivize this funding.

Otherwise your stakes is next to zero. Complete risk shouldn’t be on the shoulders of the treasury, ie the community, share it if you have so much confidence in your project.

Best regards,
kukabi | Helikon


TitleConor Daly - 2024 Indianapolis 500 Sponsorship
Amount290’000 DOT
Vote⚪ Abstain
CommentsThanks for the proposal. First, I find this type of advertisement old-fashioned and vain (reminds me of Larry Ellison style for some reason). Second, I believe in grassroots and crypto-native acts, and honestly I find it awkward that there’s absolutely zero mention of Polkadot on your social media, and even your proposal lacks any reference to it, which is actually enough reason for me to reject the proposal. However I can see the excitement of many valuable peers, so I abstain.

Good luck,
kukabi | Helikon


TitleError - Vote NAY
Amount0.000025 DOT
Vote🔴 Nay @ 6.01M DOT

TitleRefill for marketing bounty number #33 [250k]
Amount250’000 DOT
Vote⚪ Abstain
CommentsHi @giotto,

I tried to go through the delivery reports so far in different formats from different parties, but I don’t know how to evaluate this output. I cannot find structure or strategy that would guide me in evaluation, but I think the method here is to not have structure. So, I don’t have the tools to evaluate the outcome here.

One thing I can suggest is to finance a team of specialized auditors. The material is too scattered and too much for any single community member to deal with, and it’s going to be increasingly so later.

I can’t make a rational decision here. I abstain.

Best regards,
kukabi | Helikon

Last change: 2024-03-14, commit: d28a8f9